REGULAR MEETINGS of the St. Clair City Council are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held in the St. Clair City Hall Meeting Room, 304 Main Street West, St. Clair, MN. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
On occasion a scheduling conflict arises and the meeting date must be changed. On such occasions the meeting date is determined by the City Council and announced with as much advance notice as possible.
The next Regular City Council Meeting will be held on
Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 7:00 pm
AGENDA ... Each meeting the City Council follows a certain schedule of business referred to as an Agenda. The Agenda includes a list of items to be discussed and considered during the Council meeting. If you have an item you would like addressed at the City Council meeting please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting to have the item placed on the Council Meeting Agenda.
ITEMS NOT ON THE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ... The public has the opportunity to comment or bring items to the attention of the Council during the 'PUBLIC COMMENT' portion of each Regular City Council meeting. However, unless the item is of a routine nature, the Council will not engage in debate or discussion on such items, nor will the Council take action on such items, as they need time to thoroughly study all items, proposals and/or requests. The Council may have the item placed on the agenda of the next City Council meeting, or they may direct City Staff to research or follow-up on certain items addressed during the Public Comment period.
ITEMS NOT ON THE COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ... The public has the opportunity to comment or bring items to the attention of the Council during the 'PUBLIC COMMENT' portion of each Regular City Council meeting. However, unless the item is of a routine nature, the Council will not engage in debate or discussion on such items, nor will the Council take action on such items, as they need time to thoroughly study all items, proposals and/or requests. The Council may have the item placed on the agenda of the next City Council meeting, or they may direct City Staff to research or follow-up on certain items addressed during the Public Comment period.